The contrast of the direction indicators is often very low in combinations with marker lights due to the brightness of the marker lights. Our Marker Light X module switch off an external marker light in the moment when you switch on the direction indicators at one side. This increase the contrast of the indicators and they are easier to recognize from the other traffic.
You can also remove the marker light function of the BCM module if you wire the Marker Light X between BCM module and the indicators. This eliminate the marker light function of the indicators.
An other option is the a low light function what the Marker Light X can add to your installed flasher system if you wire the Marker Light X between flasher relay and indicators and wire the yellow cable to ground. The brightness of the indicators can be set to 20 % or 50 % of the maximum brightness if the flasher relay is not activated.
Dimensions: | 38 mm x 16 mm x 11 mm |
Body material: | ABS with 2 k epoxy resin potted |
Input voltage range: | 6 - 20 Volt |
Connections: | Inputs 0,14 mm², Outputs 0,5 qmm |
Maximum current: | 5 Ampere per output |
Maximum ambience temperature: | 80 degree Celsius |
Cet article a été ajouté à la boutique le samedi 01 octobre, 2022